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Writer's pictureBill Branham

Reflecting on Temujin's lawsuit against the MDOC

Published: 28 March 2016
Far too often with terrible consistency, I have witnessed how little justice there is in our penal system. Though there are policies in place that are supposed to protect prisoners from abuse, when a guard or staff takes a disliking toward a prisoner, they can make that prisoner's life a living hell. They will not be called on the carpet by their superiors; often they are encouraged.

Temujin is a solitary prisoner fighting against the Michigan Department of Corrections, usually without a ghost of a chance to prevail. But this was a civil case; not criminal. It was before a group of 8 jurists from all walks of life; not before a panel of judges. Temujin has suffered greatly in his incarceration. One of the reasons he suffers so much is that he has learned to stand up for what he believes is right, and doesn't back down. (His fight has not been just for himself, but also for many fellow prisoners he and his late wife, Amiko, have helped in the past, helping them to file legal papers and giving them some sense of hope.) This time Temujin was able to bring the issue out into the open before people who have not experienced what he has, but who know what is right and what isn't; most of all, people from outside the system.

Temujin, as usual, was armed with notebook after notebook of facts at his disposal.
He possessed the demeanor of a gentleman. It is common for most to exaggerate when accusing and minimize when being accused. But the brazenness of those within the system can be shocking to the uninitiated. For instance, over the first 28 years of Temujin's imprisonment, he has been given a total of 3 tickets. (Tickets result in withdrawal of privileges, punishment, and are often brought up at parole hearings.) I'm not sure when this suit was filed, but say it was 3 years ago. Since filing the lawsuit, Temujin has received 33 tickets, a 100 fold increase!!

Inside the system, such retaliation is to be expected. They are not concerned that those outside of the system will see this as a measurable barometer, not of Temujin's behavior, but of the prison system's! The average person on the street finds this shocking. The MDOC doesn't concern itself because it doesn't think this will ever come to light. Why? And if the system's behavior is exposed, they can bank on the fact that no one outside of the system care enough to do anything about it. It is not that people are heartless. People don't care because they aren't motivated enough to find out what's going on. If they did, I believe they would care. How many observers besides those directly involved were at the trial? Three or four who are already devoted to Temujin. But Mr. Temujin Kensu, knowing full well the repercussions of his actions, is willing to take on his captors. The question I have is, Will the media bring this to light so that the rest of us will know enough to care?


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