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PI Assists Two More MI Exonerees

Last week, three persons in Michigan were exonerated. Each had a multitude of different persons behind them that made it possible, but their exonerations were ultimately made possible through the Waye County Conviction Integrity Unit. They are Marvin Cotton, Lacino Hamilton, and Anthony Legion. Due to another situation, Legion will not be released until February but hopefully sooner. Click here to learn more about the exonerees we have helped.

Representing Proving Innocence, Bill Branham was able to personally meet with Marvin Cotton and deliver the Walking Free Funds to Marvin along with information on other sources. Due to constraints, Bill sent a check to Lacino's lawyer, who passed on the money, and then had a good phone call with him afterward.

As a small organization, Proving Innocence does what it can. The needs of exonerees are substantial, and well beyond anything that PI or any single organization can meet. But timing is also important. PI meets with new exonerees soon after their release and gives them money to assist their new journey. With all that these men and women have experienced through no fault of their own, Proving Innocence believes the exonerees need some simple help; no conditions, no strings attached, just a simple and sincere gift.

Have you wanted to make a donation to help those whose lives have been destroyed by a wrongful conviction but you are not sure how much of your gift will actually get through? With no office to rent and no employees, PI has extremely low overhead. Won't you consider becoming a regular monthly donor? Help us to make a difference by clicking on the Donate NOW Button


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