Columnist Nolan Finley, editorial page editor of The Detroit News, has urged the out-going Michigan governor to use his pen for the most good - to right three injustices in his state: the convictions of Donyelle Woods, Mark Craighead, and Fred Freeman. These are three cases from the many he could have zeroed in on.
Of Fred Freeman, Finley says "it's among the most egregious miscarriages of justice I've seen." Will you take action? We encourage you to

1. Write the governor at governorsoffice@michigan.gov and
2. Spread the word on your personal social media, asking others to write, as well.
Proving Innocence has supported Freeman's claim of innocence for years. Please help PI to continue its work of advocating for the wrongfully convicted, investigating claims of innocence, and supporting exonerees' re-entry into society.