In fulfilling its mission and vision, Proving Innocence collaborates with others dedicated to addressing wrongful convictions and relies on a thorough screening process to determine that the individual's claim of innocence is credible and can be substantiated upon rigorous investigation.
In fulfilling its mission and vision, Proving Innocence collaborates with others dedicated to addressing wrongful convictions and relies on a thorough screening process to determine that the individual's claim of innocence is credible and can be substantiated upon rigorous investigation.
David Sanders
David Sanders is retired Executive Vice President of Metropolitan Affairs Coalition, a public/private partnership dedicated to improving Greater Detroit through regional cooperation. A native of Kalamazoo, Michigan, Mr. Sanders received a Bachelor of Science degree from Western Michigan University and a Master of Urban Planning from Wayne State University. He is a graduate of the Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government as well as Leadership Detroit.
Dave's work primarily focuses on freeing Temujin Kensu.
You may email Dave at
