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In 1973 in Detroit, two men burst into the home of Ruben Bryant, a local drug dealer. The men intended to rob him of his drugs and money. Things went awry and Brian was shot dead. Ray’s only connection to the crime was that his ex-girlfriend bought drugs just before the men entered the home and it was thought that she was part of a setup. Though none of the surviving occupants claimed to be able to identify the invaders, Ray became a focus of the investigation.


Police tunnel vision, corruption, faulty identification procedures, suppressed evidence, failure to investigate other suspects and more culminated in this tragedy.



45 years!


Several PI board members were able to attend Ray's parole hearing. Bill Branham was almost in a state of shock afterwards. According to Branham, "I was blown away that those representing the State of Michigan could act so unprofessional. In front of 25 concerned citizens who attended the hearing, they bullied and harangued this gentle man. The main parole board member constantly used sarcasm and rolled his eyes in a demeaning way. The attorney representing the state made conclusions of his "obvious" guilt because Ray could not recall some details such as how long the trial lasted, even though it was 30 years ago! I have never felt so ashamed and embarrassed of being a citizen of Michigan as on this day."


There is currently no significant work begin done on this case. Ray is virtually a forgotten man.



Raymond Gray MDOC #135481

2400 S. Sheridan Drive

Muskegon, MI 49442 


Though protested by hundreds of family members, the Mound Facility, which put most of the inmates within 30 minutes of family and friends for visitation, was closed. Ray was moved to Muskegon, MI, a full 6 hour round trip for his wife and supporters.


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